Vito Walter
lighting design
lighting design
lighting design
we learned a lot at our own funeral / daina ashbee
how in salts desert is it possible to blossom / robyn orlin
immensity / melissa herrada
kopanima / xenia koghilaki
shiraz / armin hokmi
permeable bodies / emma laule
dangereuses / julia b. laperrière
solar bear / lena klink
ausgefuchst / feld theater
symphony of change / stegreif orchestra
catoptric / black box circus
screen play / hannah schillinger
existenz / suite42
bechange / stegreif orchestra
runners / hannah schillinger
j'ai pleuré avec les chiens - time, creation, destruction / daina ashbee
tsugi / dominique tegho
self // regulation / mattef kuhlmey & peggy mädler
dark twisted mind / dan su
bang bang bodies - xenia koghilaki
habitus. habitat. / clara twele
rave and club
assistant lighting design
strong born / kat válastur
diana, even / kat válastur
any attempt will end in crushed bodies and shattered bones / jan martens
eye, lash! / kat válastur
all our eyes believe / lea moro
blackbird - rebirth / hendrik aerts
ków / mohammed yussuf boss
product lighting design
architectural lighting design
architectural work
lighting design