I’m Vito, passionate and fascinated by light's capacity to shape one’s perception of space, to create atmospheres, images and emotions. My interests in using the medium "light" vary from photography and urban design to lighting design for performing arts and film. Thereby the influence of light on emotions and health and wellbeing are an important element for me in design. I like to consider light as an active performer in the spaces and plays I work in.
After studies in Architectural Lighting Design (HAWK in Hildesheim), Architecture (UPB in Medellín) and Theatre Lighting Design (ENSATT in Lyon) as well as working as Assistant Lighting Designer in Mexico City at Lighteam Gustavo Aviles S.C. I graduated with a B.A. of Arts in Lighting Design at the HAWK in 2019. Since then, I’m collaborating as Assistant Lighting Designer and Lighting Designer with artists like Hendrik Aerts, Jan Martens, Kat Válastur, Lea Moro, Xenia Kogchilaki, Hannah Schillinger, Emilie Gregersen, Daina Ashbee and Robyn Orlin. I’m always open to collaborations of different disciplines, and of building an impact on society through an artistic work with light. |
The copyright and all other rights related to texts, illustrations, photos or other files on this website belong exclusively to Vito Walter or the mentioned owners. For publication and / or reproducing of any item the written permission of the copyright holder must be obtained in advance. |